Ok, let’s talk hormones - specifically testosterone. What are the average ranges for cis men and women?
Men: 630 ng/dL
Women: 32.6 ng/dL
A big difference; though cis women with pcos can average up to 62.1 ng/dL.
So, how much do I have as a post-op trans woman?
I have <11 ng/dL.

Next we have free Testosterone.
Both cis women and men average at 2.5% free T. Anyone below 2% is recommended to take testosterone supplements.
What’s my reading?
It’s 1.6%.
So I have a third the testosterone of an average cis woman, and I have a third less of that available.

But somehow, in some universe, I am not only supposed to have a huge advantage over cis women, but I’m also supposed to be able to compete fairly with cis men!
I think after reading these facts you can understand some of my frustrations with the ‘trans women in sports’ argument.

I’ve had these levels for a decade, operating FAR below the testosterone levels available to a cis woman.
If I had any kind of advantage from my first puberty, I contend that it’s more than mitigated by this disadvantage.
The idea that I’m superior to cis women is preposterous.

I’ve had these levels for a decade, operating FAR below the testosterone levels available to a cis woman.
If I had any kind of advantage from my first puberty, I contend that it’s more than mitigated by this disadvantage.
The idea that I’m superior to cis women is preposterous.

Transition fundamentally alters the biology of transgender people and anyone who denies that is basically an uneducated proto-hominid who should go back to banging rocks together for a hobby.

@canamKim I’m comfortable with where I’m at. It’s enough for normal cellular function.

@CateSpice Is it dangerous if it is too low? When estrogen is high in me (cis female I think) it makes me feel all kinds of crazy, how does lower testosterone affect someone after surgery. You want it to be on the low side, correct?

@canamKim IIRC humans can’t function with zero testosterone as it’s involved in protein synthesis. Without it we would die.
@Emmy_Zje can probably fill you in better.

@CateSpice @canamKim Yep, weird stuff happens at low levels with protein synthesis, organ function, bone structure, and at very low levels hippocampus and memory are highly impaired. Both sex hormones operate behind the scenes like this, aside from the physical sex characteristics they drive.

@CateSpice @canamKim Also adrenal glands are primary source of T without functioning gonads. Even with gonadectomy, functional adrenals provide enough of both for these background processes. Adrenal fatigue + no functional gonads can be problematic. Also just fyi estrogens are made from androgens.

@Emmy_Zje @canamKim Adrenal fatigue and adrenal tumours are two things I worry about.
Both could potentially kill me

@canamKim Also I’m no medical expert but I have seen things about how estrogen level *might* affect mental heal condition (like biopolar and adhd) but it might interest you to look into if you feel your e levels are affecting you

@SassKnight @canamKim E increases dopamine production, which is a critical piece of treatment for ADHD and Schizophrenia (this is why stimulants help ADHD, it causes dopamine release). Estrogen is the top recommended treatment for Schizophrenia in women.

@SassKnight @canamKim In neurotypicals who don't have dopamine issues, however, estrogen can cause you to have too much dopamine, which can actually create ADHD symptoms.
This is what causes pregnancy brain.

@SassKnight @canamKim That said, however... If you're questioning if you are infact a cis woman, it's entirely possible that the "crazy" you're experiencing is biochemical dysphoria.