In the way that a person who has never been sick doesn't realize how great it is to be healthy, I don't think cis people realize how amazing it is to be who you are. I don't even think I'm all the way there yet, but what I've experienced is beyond any happiness I'd known before.

Like holy crap, I get to be ME! You can't really understand how great of a feeling, how much of a relief that is, unless you had to spend so much of your life forced to be someone else. I'm a person now and it's astounding how much better it is.

I'm just sitting here listining to an old playlist from 2017 & thinking about the person who made this playlist, how hollow he was, a complete facade built only for other people with nothing inside, % I'm so happy I don't have to be him anymore. Ive never felt so real in my life.

It's like I didn't know what it was like to exist before, & now that I do, it's something I'd rather die than even face the prospect of giving it up, & I still have a way to go!
Yeah I can be very pessimistic, but thinking about this, I feel like the future can only get better.