K'ez'rek d'b'duz 🐢 @TheEmmelineMay

Some reasons I am deeply suspicious of cis men that involve themselves heavily in the "gender critical" movement:

* Claiming trans women are a massive risk to cis women is a means to deny that the biggest risk to women (cis or trans) is cis men

K'ez'rek d'b'duz 🐢 @TheEmmelineMay

* The claim that trans women are "really men" and that therefore they are inevitabley a risk to women is a belief that seriously tells on the cis man claiming it

* Positioning themselves as the protectors of vulnerable women is not the feminist position they think it is

K'ez'rek d'b'duz 🐢 @TheEmmelineMay

* Women talking about their own safety in a society that normalises systemic sexual violence is NOT an invitation to men to step up and "protect women", but for a reformation of society which doesn't normalise sexual violence

K'ez'rek d'b'duz 🐢 @TheEmmelineMay

* Being a victim of a systemically sexist society is not the same as being vulnerable. The vulnerability of women to patriarchal violence isn't resolved by providing safe spaces away from violence (or having male protectors)...

K'ez'rek d'b'duz 🐢 @TheEmmelineMay

...it's resolved by acknowledging the existence of patriarchal violence and working to dismantle the systems that allow and normalise it. This would help cis women, trans women and non binary/gender diverse people too.

K'ez'rek d'b'duz 🐢 @TheEmmelineMay

* Cis men trying to define what is an acceptable level of "womanhood" is like, the fucking oppostite of feminism. It's why feminism exists. Cis men have throughout history got to say what "woman enough" means and feminism should always be resisting that. Always.

K'ez'rek d'b'duz 🐢 @TheEmmelineMay

* A BIG question: why are some cis men so deeply invested in the idea trans women are a risk to women in some spaces? It reminds me of the overbearing dad trying to protect a daughter because "I know how boys think" and like, dude, no. That's how YOU think, and it's creepy.

NadineMorgan @NMorganCreates

@TheEmmelineMay Yep. Deciding they need to be between what they define as women, basically giving themselves power over the women they claim to be protecting, appointing themselves arbitors of womanhood. It’s all it’s Hey In a Nice Guy! By any other name.

K'ez'rek d'b'duz 🐢 @TheEmmelineMay

@NMorganCreates It's almost as if some men are really invested in the idea that women are inherently vulnerable and will always need their protection

I wonder why

Lisa T Mullin @LisaTMullin

@TheEmmelineMay @slicedoff The very cis men they live with (their 'Nigels') given that they are nearly all straight women.

Lisa T Mullin @LisaTMullin

@Haganista @TheEmmelineMay A 'Nigel'...which is gen crit speak for the men they love and live with, short for: 'Nice Guy I Fell in Love with'.

ShaggyDemiurge @ShaggyDemiurge

@TheEmmelineMay GC is just a way for them to be misogynistic towards a group of women while still appearing progressive to avoid criticism for their misogyny

Lisa T Mullin @LisaTMullin

@ShaggyDemiurge @TheEmmelineMay They are modern day version of the white right wing women that Dworkin wrote about, though then it was lesbians they obsessed about. Women who've made the Patriararchal Bargain.

🌙 Ayumeril ⭐️ @ayumeril
K'ez'rek d'b'duz 🐢 @TheEmmelineMay

Some reasons I am deeply suspicious of cis men that involve themselves heavily in the "gender critical" movement:

* Claiming trans women are a massive risk to cis women is a means to deny that the biggest risk to women (cis or trans) is cis men

I feel like whenever I’ve dug deeper in discourse with cis men in GC, they always end up being outright misogynists. Every point in this thread, Recently an anti-trans, “””pro-women””” man expressed disdain for metoo, having a woman president.

🌙 Ayumeril ⭐️ @ayumeril

I feel that first point- like a lot of transphobic cis men jump on IDing as “pro-women” to try and deflect from the issue that cisgender men, eg. themselves are the #1 threat to women’s safety. They never address what they will do to make cis men to improve themselves.

🌙 Ayumeril ⭐️ @ayumeril

Instead the burden is pushed onto trans women as though our presence in women’s spaces, our support of policies that might allow us to be treated equally- are the “”biggest threat”” to women’s safety, while completely excusing responsibility of cis men who “might abuse rules”.

🌙 Ayumeril ⭐️ @ayumeril

One of the reasons why this who discourse is so infuriating is because we’re told that we’re too small a group for society to make accommodations for us, but apparently somehow still capable of being scapegoated for all the sins of cis people.