What is it about trans people that drives people into an obsessive rage? What happened to these people, TERFs in particular, that makes them so invested in our lives?

@CrypticGoblin In the case of many women it comes from patriarchal trauma. They have been raised to believe that other women are their competition, and as such they are motivated to reduce their peer pool by invalidating as many women as possible. Put down the competition to lift themselves up.

@CrypticGoblin In their world view, trans women are adding to that pool, and since many (not all) of us are more feminine than they are, that makes us prime competitors. Especially since we can not breed. In their world view, we're just "taking" men from them. (Never mind 2/3 of us are sapphic)

For an unrelated reason I had to check up some things from Raymond's Transsexual Empire and had a quick re-read.
It is so bleak and anti-feminist it is not funny. It offers no hope of change for women, in fact women have to fight endlessly to maintain their existing position
@CrypticGoblin This thread has some pretty amazing insight into this mentality.

@CrypticGoblin As for men... well that's just good old misogyny and toxic masculinity. Trans women are a category of women that is socially acceptable to be sexist towards. Then there's the stigma that we're out here just trying to "trick" men (again, 2/3, wtf).

@CrypticGoblin Plus, straight men have been conditioned to think that 1) homosexuality is harmful to their masculinity, and 2) trans women are men, so 3) being attracted to trans women is gay, ergo 4) we are a threat.

@CrypticGoblin The reason I'm focusing on trans women here is because, by comparison, trans men largely get ignored. Transphobic women see trans men as "super lesbians", and thus actually reducing their competition. They're ok with that.

@CrypticGoblin Red Fem Lesbians view trans men as "sex traitors", women who went to the other side, so they cast them out of wlw spaces. They kicked bi-women out for the same reason, so they don't actually care about trans men's existence.

@CrypticGoblin Cis male transphobes see trans men like defectors to their own side. Aside from some weirdness factor, they don't care that trans men are in their spaces, if they even know trans men exist. Male by default, you know, "why wouldn't a woman want to be a man."

@CrypticGoblin Ok, I think I'm done. I wish twitter let me do threaded replies, but I get why they don't.