
I'm going to regret paying the co-pay for this test eventually because it was pretty pricey… but I had my karyotype done. Just got the results.
I –a trans woman– have XX chromosomes.
the GC crowd can g[REDACTED]k themselves
XX男性综合征(46,XX Male):精子减数分裂过程中,SRY基因在交叉互换中进入不含 Y 染色体的精子。精卵结合后即产生带有SRY基因的XX型胚胎,最终发育为有XX染色体组却表现为男性的孩子。
斯威耶综合症(46,XY Female):有XY染色体组的孩子表现为女性。很多种基因型都可能导致这种疾病,包括:
XX特纳氏综合征:斯威耶综合症非常像,但其发生于有 XX 染色体组的孩子身上,导致卵巢功能丧失。
XXYY 综合征:由于携带双份SRY基因,表现为男性。常常会导致性腺机能减退,因此需要补充睾酮,但其余方面与一般男性相似。
先天性肾上腺增生 (CAH):肾上腺过度活跃导致XX孩子的女性生殖器男性化。

Friendly neighborhood biologist here. I see a lot of people are talking about biological sexes and gender right now. Lots of folks make biological sex sex seem really simple. Well, since it’s so simple, let’s find the biological roots, shall we? Let’s talk about sex...[a thread]

If you know a bit about biology you will probably say that biological sex is caused by chromosomes, XX and you’re female, XY and you’re male. This is “chromosomal sex” but is it “biological sex”? Well...

Turns out there is only ONE GENE on the Y chromosome that really matters to sex. It’s called the SRY gene. During human embryonic development the SRY protein turns on male-associated genes. Having an SRY gene makes you “genetically male”. But is this “biological sex”?

Sometimes that SRY gene pops off the Y chromosome and over to an X chromosome. Surprise! So now you’ve got an X with an SRY and a Y without an SRY. What does this mean?

A Y with no SRY means physically you’re female, chromosomally you’re male (XY) and genetically you’re female (no SRY). An X with an SRY means you’re physically male, chromsomally female (XX) and genetically male (SRY). But biological sex is simple! There must be another answer...

Sex-related genes ultimately turn on hormones in specifics areas on the body, and reception of those hormones by cells throughout the body. Is this the root of “biological sex”??

It means you may be genetically male or female, chromosomally male or female, hormonally male/female/non-binary, with cells that may or may not hear the male/female/non-binary call, and all this leading to a body that can be male/non-binary/female.

Biological sex is complicated. Before you discriminate against someone on the basis of “biological sex” & identity, ask yourself: have you seen YOUR chromosomes? Do you know the genes of the people you love? The hormones of the people you work with? The state of their cells?

Of course you could try appealing to the numbers. “Most people are either male or female” you say. Except that as a biologist professor I will tell you...

The reason I don’t have my students look at their own chromosome in class is because people could learn that their chromosomal sex doesn’t match their physical sex, and learning that in the middle of a 10-point assignment is JUST NOT THE TIME.

@RebeccaRHelm As a fellow genetics lab teacher, this is the same reason my department stopped chromosome testing in lab. A really cool experiment would turn into guys getting freaked out they have XXY, etc.